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Law And Order In Tajikistan

Gallup World Poll just released the results of its annual Law and Order Index, which ranked Tajikistan as the most secure country in the world.

How Distant Wars Impact Central Asia

Geographically, Central Asia is located a comfortable distance away from the wars in the Caucasus, Ukraine, and the Middle East, but these conflicts affect the region.

Kyrgyzstan’s Draft Laws Push Independent Media, Civil Society To The Edge

On October 25, Kyrgyzstan’s draft law on noncommercial organizations was adopted by parliament in its first reading.

Can Sanctions Work Against Central Asian Kleptocracies?

It’s no secret that kleptocracy is a problem in every Central Asian country.

Central Asia in Focus: Central Asian Leaders Visit Berlin

In this week’s edition: Central Asian leaders visit Berlin, Kyrgyz Courts are called out for leniency on rapists, Kazakh Police raid Tajik migrant laborers, and more.

Central Asia in Focus: Kazakhstan Publishes List Resembling Russia’s ‘Foreign Agent’ Registry 

In this week’s edition: Kazakhstan publishes a list resembling Russia’s ‘foreign agent’ registry, Amnesty International and the United Nations criticize Tajikistan over their treatment of Pamiris, and more.

Central Asia in Focus: Russia Blocks Kyrgyz, Tajik Websites For Coverage Of Ukraine

In this week’s edition: Russia blocks Kyrgyz and Tajik websites over Ukraine coverage, Kazakhstan releases Karakalpak activists from custody, Uzbekistan’s new Campaign against beards and hijabs, and more.

Central Asia in Focus: Tajik Authorities Claim Militants Crossed from Afghanistan

In this week’s edition: Tajik authorities claim militants crossed over from Afghanistan, forced labor in Turkmenistan’s cotton fields, Kyrgyz authorities crack down, and more.

Central Asia in Focus: Kyrgyz Authorities Trying to Close Down Kloop

In this week’s edition: Kyrgyz authorities try to shut down Kloop, Kazakhstan builds its oil tanker fleet, markets reopen along the Tajik-Afghan border, and more.

Central Asia In Focus: Uzbek President’s Daughter Takes Senior Post

In this week’s edition: Uzbek President’s daughter takes senior post, Central Asia pays more attention to water, Kazakhstan’s nuclear power plant plans, and more.