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One Year After Russia-Georgia War: Full Coverage

On the one-year anniversary of the Russian-Georgian War, RFE/RL’s journalists take stock of the current situation on the ground:

VIDEO: Survivors of the Russia-Georgia War Struggle to Rebuild Lives
GORI, Georgia — Georgia’s Gori region, near the de facto border with South Ossetia, endured the worst of last year’s conflict. Hundreds of people from the area had their homes destroyed and scores of civilians were killed. RFE/RL’s Brian Whitmore traveled to Gori and talked to survivors about the devastating effects of the war on their towns, their homes, and their lives.

Russian Troops Try To Shift South Ossetia Border Markers
KVESHI, Georgia — Russian soldiers based in the breakaway Georgian region of South Ossetia have attempted to relocate a section of the de facto border between the region and the rest of Georgia. Residents of the village of Kveshi, on the Georgian side of the border, told RFE/RL that Russian soldiers entered the area on August 2 and moved the markers delimiting the border some 500 meters further into Georgian territory.

A New Reality, But Old Relations
PRAGUE, Czech Republic — One year ago, the rumbling of Russian tanks into Georgia sent shock waves around the world. Moscow argued that the crisis demonstrated the collapse of post-Cold War security structures. NATO, the EU, and the US struggled to respond to the rapidly changing situation on the ground. But 12 months later, RFE/RL’s Robert Coalson reports that surprisingly little has changed.

Can Georgia’s Democratic Dream Be Revived?
TBILISI, Georgia — When Russia and Georgia went to war a year ago, it seemed to some that the hope and promise of the Rose Revolution had died. Georgians have since expressed cautious optimism, but few appear to trust President Mikheil Saakashvili and his entourage to deliver it.