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North Macedonia Service

Radio Slobodna Evropa is a trusted source of information for audiences in North Macedonia, promoting democratic values and inter-ethnic relations.

Kosovo Service

Radio Evropa e Lirë is a beacon of unbiased and impactful journalism in Kosovo dedicated to serving the public interest.

Current Time

A 24/7 Russian-language TV and digital network, Current Time provides an alternative to Kremlin-controlled news and information.

Romanian Service

RFE/RL’s Romanian Service, known locally as Europa Liberă România, helps strengthen public trust in democratic values and fights the spread of disinformation.

Moldovan Service

Radio Europa Liberă Moldova provides audiences with objective reporting in a region where disinformation is widespread.

Bulgarian Service

Svobodna Evropa provides independent reporting in Bulgaria against the backdrop of a media landscape weakened by monopolistic ownership and corruption.

Balkan Service

Radio Slobodna Evropa provides independent news in challenging media landscapes across Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia.

Journalists in Trouble: Russian Authorities Bring New Charge Against Alsu Kurmasheva

Alsu Kurmasheva faces new charge; four RFE/RL journalists mark Human Rights Day behind bars; and more.

Journalists in Trouble: World Press Freedom Day Edition

A Kyrgyz court approves request to shut down Radio Azattyk; RFE/RL renews call for the release of imprisoned journalists in Belarus and Russian-occupied Crimea; and more.

RFE/RL Launches “Current Time Baltics” to Counter Kremlin Propaganda

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) launched “Current Time Baltics” on its Russian-language television and digital network Current Time.