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The RFE/RL logo, which reads RadioFreeEurope/Radio Liberty next to a logo of an orange torch

New Chechen Leader Tells RFE/RL: No Terrorism, No Hostage-Taking

New Chechen resistance leader Abdul-Khalim Sadullaev told RFE/RL’s North Caucasus Service today that he strongly condemns terrorism and that Chechen independence fighters will not attack peaceful civilians, women and children,…

The RFE/RL logo, which reads RadioFreeEurope/Radio Liberty next to a logo of an orange torch

RFE/RL Led to Mass Grave Site in Uzbekistan

A Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty correspondent was led to a secret mass grave on the outskirts of the embattled city of Andijon, Uzbekistan and spoke to gravediggers who said 74…

The RFE/RL logo, which reads RadioFreeEurope/Radio Liberty next to a logo of an orange torch

U.S. Ambassador Tells Afghans of New Military Commission on RFE/RL Airwaves

U.S. Ambassador and Special Presidential Envoy to Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad told RFE/RL’s Radio Free Afghanistan on Thursday that a joint U.S.-Afghan military commission will be established to share intelligence and…

The RFE/RL logo, which reads RadioFreeEurope/Radio Liberty next to a logo of an orange torch

RFE/RL Back on FM Air in Kyiv

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Ukrainian-language broadcasts can again be heard on FM in Kyiv, after a break of nearly a year.

The RFE/RL logo, which reads RadioFreeEurope/Radio Liberty next to a logo of an orange torch

Afghan Kidnappers of International Aid Worker Contact RFE/RL

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s Kabul bureau early today (Wednesday) received a telephone call from a man claiming to represent a group that had kidnapped an international aid worker.

The RFE/RL logo, which reads RadioFreeEurope/Radio Liberty next to a logo of an orange torch

Chechen Commander Tells RFE/RL of New Threat ‘To Take The War To Enemy Territory’

A leading Chechen military commander has contacted RFE/RL’s North Caucasus Service, to say that Chechen separatists are changing tactics and plan in his words “to take the war to enemy…

The RFE/RL logo, which reads RadioFreeEurope/Radio Liberty next to a logo of an orange torch

Pakistan Prime Minister Sends Afghanistan A Message in RFE/RL Interview

Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz of Pakistan sent a strong message to Afghanistan during an RFE/RL interview about security issues, bilateral relations and refugees.

The RFE/RL logo, which reads RadioFreeEurope/Radio Liberty next to a logo of an orange torch

Year-Long Legal Ordeal Ends for RFE/RL Reporter in Azerbaijan

All legal charges were dropped today against an RFE/RL regional correspondent in Azerbaijan after a year-long ordeal that took the case all the way to the national Supreme Court in…

The RFE/RL logo, which reads RadioFreeEurope/Radio Liberty next to a logo of an orange torch

Ousted Kyrgyz President Lays Out Conditions for Resignation in RFE/RL Interview

Ousted Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev gave exclusive interviews to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s Kyrgyz and Russian Services today.

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