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Human Rights Watch Chief “Appalled” by Afghan VP Choice

Article - May 7, 2009 - The head of Human Rights Watch told a gathering of RFE/RL journalists today that he is “appalled” by Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s selection of a former warlord as his running mate in upcoming elections.

The RFE/RL logo, which reads RadioFreeEurope/Radio Liberty next to a logo of an orange torch

Uzbekistan Arrests Human Rights Activist & Former RFE/RL Journalist

Article - June 11, 2008 - Earlier this week, authorities in Uzbekistan arrested former RFE/RL journalist and human rights activist Solijon Abdurahmanov.

The RFE/RL logo, which reads RadioFreeEurope/Radio Liberty next to a logo of an orange torch

Blockage of RFE/RL Kazakh Website Ends

Article - June 6, 2008 - Intense international pressure on the Kazakh government ends a seven-week blockage of RFE/RL’s Kazakh-language website

The RFE/RL logo, which reads RadioFreeEurope/Radio Liberty next to a logo of an orange torch