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Radio Mashaal

Radio Mashaal is an impactful alternative to extremist propaganda in Pakistan’s tribal regions along the border with Afghanistan, investigating issues of local concern.

North Caucasus Service

RFE/RL’s North Caucasus Service is one of the few independent media outlets reporting in this predominantly Muslim region, one of the most repressive in Russia, where journalists remain under severe threat.

Moldovan Service

Radio Europa Libera provides audiences with objective reporting and independent commentary in a region where disinformation is widespread.

Kazakh Service

In a propaganda-filled media environment, Radio Azattyq offers informed and accurate reporting that exposes corruption and counters Chinese and Russian disinformation.

Radio Farda

In one of the world’s most repressive media environments, Radio Farda stands as a beacon of independent journalism, defying government censorship to deliver trusted Persian-language news to audiences in Iran.

Georgian Service

Radio Tavisupleba provides politically and financially independent journalism in a polarized media landscape.

Bulgarian Service

RFE/RL’s Bulgarian Service, Svobodna Evropa, provides independent reporting in a media landscape weakened by monopolistic ownership and corruption.

Belarus Service

Radio Svaboda overcomes significant censorship and criminal penalties to provide audiences in Belarus with independent reporting. It counters pervasive disinformation and is a trailblazer on social media.

Balkan Service

RFE/RL’s Balkan Service provides independent news in a challenging media environment.

Azerbaijani Service

Despite near-total government control over the media, Radio Azadliq has built a reputation as a leading source of independent news in Azerbaijan.