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Briefly… On Objectively Reporting Russia’s Invasion Of Ukraine

RFE/RL Ukrainian Service reporter Roksolana Bychai on the importance of teamwork and professional objectivity.

Briefly… On Reporting From the ‘Economic Frontlines’ Of Russia’s War On Ukraine

RFE/RL Current Time Brussels correspondent Zoriana Stepanenko talks about the personal struggle of reporting on European Union deliberations over sanctions policy as Russia’s war on Ukraine goes on back home.

Briefly… On Reporting Russia’s War On Ukraine

Current Time host Iryna Romaliiska on maintaining journalistic objectivity while reporting about Russia’s war on Ukraine.

Briefly… On Reporting From Eastern Ukraine’s Donbas

What is it like for journalists reporting from eastern Ukraine’s Russia-backed-separatist ruled Donbas region?

Briefly… On War Worries In Ukraine’s Donbas

What do residents of eastern Ukraine’s Donbas know — and believe — about the possibility of war with Russia?

RFE/RL’s Current Time Russian-Language TV Celebrates Five Years—Despite Incessant Kremlin Attacks

Since its formal launch as a 24/7 TV channel on February 7, 2017, Current Time’s mission has been to bring real news to Russian-speaking audiences everywhere.

Briefly.. Will Russia Invade Ukraine?

RFE/RL Ukrainian Service Senior Editor Rostyslav Khotin offers his insight into what may be motivating Russia’s military buildup along Ukraine’s borders.

Briefly.. Do Ukrainians Think Russia Will Invade?

RFE/RL Kyiv correspondent Sashko Shevchenko on the views of ordinary Ukrainians about the possibility of a Russian invasion.

Briefly… Radio Azadi At 20: On Raising Women’s Voices In Afghanistan

RFE/RL’s Malali Bashir discusses how Radio Azadi brings women’s voices into the debate about Afghanistan’s present and future.

Briefly… Radio Azadi At 20: How Does Radio Azadi Reporting Change People’s Lives?

RFE/RL’s Mustafa Sarwar talks about how Radio Azadi changes the lives of ordinary Afghan residents, by spotlighting their stories and focusing attention on underserved communities.